Freezer Cooking 101 Workshop with Erin Chase
Freezer Cooking 101 Online Workshop
Video #1: The Benefits of Freezer Cooking
Video #3: What Freezes Well, What Doesn't Freeze Well
FREE TRIAL & Freezer Meal Plan SAMPLE

Now, it's your turn to try out some amazing freezer meals! 

​​​​​​​I have this freebie available for's a sample of a MyFreezEasy freezer meal plan.

It includes recipes, shopping lists, meal prep instructions and more! 
Not sure what option is best for you?

​​​​​​​Use this chart to help you decide.

Tap each link, based on where you landed on the chart...

  • #1 - Workshop - oh wait, you're already here! :)

  • #3 - Download Pre-set Freezer Meal Plans. You can choose from the different pre-selected meal plans that we have available. They change monthly and you can order however many you like. Tap here to start your order. 

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