Before you get started on the workshop...

Can we send you a set of our best-selling bag holders?! 
Your sample freezer meal plan with recipe list, shopping list, and assembly instructions are flying through the interwebs right now. They should land in your inbox shortly.

Before you go, I have to ask...

Do you want to avoid catastrophic messes during your freezer meal prep sessions?!

If so, you need these nifty bag holders in your kitchen!!

Get your Freezer Bag Holders
Ordered TODAY!

We will snail mail a set to you.
(But we promise to send it faster than a snail!)

Also, we are throwing in a printed copy of our Quick Start Guide to Freezer Cooking for you  to make the most of this freezer cooking adventure.

AND we are including printed sticker labels for your freezer bags and trays!

Total - $39 Value.

TODAY ONLY - just $19!  

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